
Body Psychotherapy

Somatic Healing Experiencing

Body Centered Psychotherapy (or Somatic Psychotherapy) is a holistic form of psychotherapy that can help you with emotional and physical issues including anxiety, depression and physical pain. It assists you in developing a deeper understanding of your emotional and physical experience, so that you can be present and in tune with your emotional and physical responses and regain harmony and balance in your life.

By utilizing Body Therapy Hyperbaric and counselling, access to stored memories and unconscious feelings are gained therefore influencing your overall perception. This process raises your awareness, connects you to who you truly are, and develops loving acceptance towards yourself.

Consult with our Hyperbaric Body Psychotherapist

Body Therapy

How can body psychotherapy (or Somatic Psychotherapy) Help You?

The benefits we can receive from what our bodies tell us is dependent upon how well we are able to listen and how we choose to respond. By paying closer attention to our whole selves–what I call our body-brains–in addition to our thinking-brains, we can begin to lead healthier lives, both physically and psychologically.

Some body cues might seem obvious: a growling stomach may tell us we’re hungry; yawning may spell fatigue. Often, however, our bodies give us more complex and individualized messages than that:


A child abuse survivor may find he looks down and away at work, an old habit we discover in therapy is meant to deflect attention or anger from authority.

A grown woman realizes she holds her breath while waiting for her partner to finish talking, just like she did as a child waiting for bad news.

A man with chronic pain finds that years of bracing himself against criticism has left him tense, tired, and wary of people.

A young woman with bulimia makes the connection that the rawness in her throat feels satisfying in a way, like she has punished herself for being imperfect.

Body-Centered Psychotherapy gives us access to memories, emotions, and beliefs that are otherwise beyond words and cognition. If you have struggled to understand how your body and mind are seemingly on different pages, Body-Centered Psychotherapy can get them communicating again.

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